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 Located in the upper northwest portion of the State, Tallahatchie County is bordered on the north by Quitman and Panola Counties, on the south by Grenada and Yalobusha Counties, and on the west by Coahoma and Sunflower Counties. The county has five municipalities: Charleston, Glendora, Sumner, Tutwiler, and Webb. The City of Charleston is one of the two county seats in Tallahatchie County. Additionally, the city has the largest population of 2,193 people. Sumner is the second county seat, and the town’s population was 316 based on the 2010 U.S. Census. The 2010 U.S. Census estimated the population of the county was 15,378 people.

The county does not have a well connected highway system. Mississippi State Highways 32 and 35 are the primary transportation corridors for the county. Highway 32 connects the county with Interstate 55 to the east and U.S. Highway 49 to the west, provides east/west travel through the county. 

Total Population



Tallahatchie County

Unemployment Rate


Tallahatchie County

High School Graduate or Higher


Tallahatchie County

Civilian Labor Force


Tallahatchie County



Tallahatchie County is located in the Mississippi Delta. The county was founded on December 31, 1833. The word Tallahatchie is derived from an Indian word meaning “Rock River.” The City of Charleston was chosen as the first of two county seats in 1837, and the first courthouse was built in 1902. In the late 1800s to early 1900s cotton was the dominant crop. Like many other farmers, planters in Tallahatchie County realized the importance of diversifying their crops. From the mid to the late 1900s small farming operations decreased and the population declined in the county. The changes in farming opened way to the rise of manufacturing. However, declines in manufacturing employment has occurred in recent years due to the loss, downsizing and movement of many industries.



The population of Tallahatchie County in 2000 was 14,903 people (U.S. Census). The estimated population for the 2010 U.S. Census was 15,378 people. From 2000 to 2010 the population of Tallahatchie County increased by 475 people.


The largest age distribution for Tallahatchie County is the 20 to 24 years old according to the 2010 U.S. Census. The age range represents 1,339 people (8.7%) in Tallahatchie County.


Tallahatchie County has two public school districts. East Tallahatchie School District and West Tallahatchie School District are the public school districts for the county. East Tallahatchie School District has four schools. West Tallahatchie School District has three schools. The enrollment for East Tallahatchie School District was 1,332 students, and West Tallahatchie School District had an enrollment of 921 students based on the Mississippi Department of Education 2011 Annual Report.

The county does not have any post-secondary education facilities.


The 2010 U.S. Census estimated 32.5 percent of the people in Tallahatchie County lived in poverty. 44.6% of families with related children 18 years old and under live in poverty. 62.4% of female head of households with children 18 years old and under fall below the poverty level.

% People Living in Poverty

% Families Living in Poverty



The per capita personal income for Tallahatchie County was $24,015 according to the 2010 Bureau of Economic Analysis. The PCPI ranked 78th in the state and was 77% of the state average, $31,071. Further, the PCPI was 60% of the national average, $39,937.


The median household income in Tallahatchie County was $24,668 based on the 2010 U.S. Census. 18.2% of the households in Tallahatchie County made $15,000 to $24,999. Out of the 4,739 households in Tallahatchie County, 2.2% received $100,000 to $149,999.