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Summary Background

Work of the District

North Delta PDD provides an array of services to the community. They include: Economic Development, Loan Programs, Community Development, Planning, Technical Assistance, Medicaid Waiver, and the Area Agency on Aging.

Economic Development

As a Planning and Development District, one of the primary obligations of North Delta PDD is to actively serve as an economic development source to the region. The Economic Development Administration (EDA) and Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) have designated the District as the primary federal recipient to execute economic development, planning, and other functions including technical assistance, community development and loan programs.

The economic prosperity of The District has been capable through multiple funding sources that include, Economic Development Administration (EDA), Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and Delta Regional Authority (DRA).

To prioritize the economic development projects of the region, a regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is submitted to Economic Development Administration (EDA) every five years. The CEDS is required by state law (Statewide Economic Development and Planning Act of 1987); further, the CEDS is in compliance with Section 303.7 of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended. Maintaining the CEDS is essential for being eligible for federal funding. The funding ranges from technical assistance grants and various loan programs.

Numerous municipalities and counties have been able to provide additional incentives to industrial prospects with funding through various federal government agencies. Recently funded EDA projects in the region include Newly Wed Foods in Horn Lake, Mississippi (DeSoto County) and Schulz Xtruded Products (SXP) in Tunica, Mississippi (Tunica County). Additionally, the District is able to provide municipalities and counties with technical assistance, research and data management and capacity building.

Area Agency on Aging

The District is active in the care of seniors and the disabled in our region. The Area Agency on Aging serves the elderly in our region with services that include homemaker services, information and referrals for the Medicaid Waiver department, congregate meals, home delivered meals, transportation, respite, senior center, adult daycare, outreach, ombudsman, legal services, emergency response systems, senior employment, senior care, and planning and technical assistance.

Community Development

The District takes an active role in the community development of our region through participating in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development that is administered through Mississippi Development Authority. The CDBG projects fund numerous activities in the region including public facilities, economic development, and housing activities. The local governments receive aid from North Delta in acquiring and administering these grant fund.

Other grants the district seeks for local governments are obtained through many federal and non-federal funders that include USDA Rural Development Administration, Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Technical and Planning Assistance

Technical Assistance is offered to the local units of government through many capacities. The District has access to many databases to help governments with geographic information systems, redistricting, and computer mapping. Additionally, planning is a service offered from the PDD. Regional planning is a requirement for certain federal funds. North Delta offers aid to cities and counties regarding local planning and land use.

Elderly & Mentally Challenged Adult Services

DeSoto and Tunica Counties offer local homemaker services to residents of their respective county. In DeSoto County, transportation is offered to the elderly and disabled; also, the transportation is offered for the mentally and physically challenged living in the county. Tunica County provides residents with home delivered meals. The services that are provided to the elderly and mentally challenged in DeSoto and Tunica Counties are additional services that takes place through both counties contributions of $408,000 from DeSoto County and $704,000 from Tunica County.

Loan Programs

Currently, the Revolving Loan Program is operating four loan programs through the Economic Development Administration (EDA) loan program, the Minority Business Enterprise (MBA) loan program, the Mississippi Small Business Assistance (MSBA) loan program, and the Rural Development Intermediary Relending loan program. These loans typically are loans that have very attractive rates for start up and expansion of businesses and industries in the region. Once funds are repaid, the loan money is reloaned to other businesses. The funds continue to stay in the district, and the money helps foster the economy of the region.

Additionally, the Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program provides loans to small businesses to help them acquire land, building, and other fixed assets. Half of the loan amount has to be matched by private lending institution. The loans are designed to help create jobs and grow small businesses, and the funds offer fixed interest rates.

The district also offers additional loans through the state of Mississippi. Those loans include the Mississippi Minority Business Enterprise Loan Program and the Mississippi Small Business Assistance Loan Program. The Mississippi Minority Business Enterprise Loan Program offers minority owned businesses loans for any Mississippi owned small businesses. The Small Business Assistance Loan Program is for any small business owner in the State of Mississippi.

Medicaid Waiver

The Medicaid Waiver department provides home and community based services to disabled and elderly clients. The cases are managed by a team of registered nurses and licensed social workers. The teams visits clients at their homes to access the person’s needs, and the staff ensures that all needed services are being provided to our clients. The goal of Medicaid Waiver is to provide clients with an alternative to long term care services. The Medicaid Waiver staff helps people stay in their homes instead of being placed in long term care facilities.